Flexible substrates
Showroom UNINOVA Dielectric deposition, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Others, Physical/Structural, Processing/Fabrication Green electronics and substrates, SustainUNINOVA provides a comprehensive suite of resources encompassing all aspects of flexible substr...
Access Provider / Facilities
Collaborative Robots, Virtual Reality and Haptic Devices
Showroom Tyndall Devices / Test structures, Others Advanced sensing, SenseTyndall’s Collaborative Robotics Lab is equipped with cutting-edge technology, including the ...
Access Provider / Facilities
High Performance Computing
Showroom Tyndall Modelling / Database, Others Advanced sensing, Component Neuromorphic computing, Connect, Green electronics and substrates, Green sensors, Quantum and spin devices engineering, Sense, Short-range optical communications, Sustain, ThinkTyndall hosts a 3,000 CPU High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster that runs a broad range of a...
Access Provider / Facilities
Biomechanics, Motion Analysis, Physiology
Showroom Tyndall Modelling / Database, Others Advanced sensing, SenseHuman Biomechanics is an intriguing discipline that bridges biology and physics, examining huma...
Access Provider / Facilities
Time domain diffuse optical spectrometer (450-1700 nm)
Showroom Tyndall Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Others, Physical/Structural Advanced sensing, Green electronics and substrates, Green sensors, Hybrid SiP/SoC, Photonic sensing, Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensors, SustainTime domain diffuse optical spectrometer will characterize accurately the absorption and reduce...
Access Provider / Facilities
Biophotonics probes and sensors integration (BioProbe)
Showroom Tyndall Devices / Test structures, Modelling / Database, Others Advanced sensing, Green electronics and substrates, Green sensors, Hybrid SiP/SoC, Photonic sensing, Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensors, SustainBioProbe is a collaborative initiative by the biophotonics team at Tyndall, focusing on the des...
Access Provider / Facilities
Thin-film circuits for sensors
Showroom UNINOVA Devices / Test structures, Dielectric deposition, Dry etching, e-beam lithography, Electrical, Mechanical, Metal deposition, Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Optical lithography, Others, Physical/Structural, Plasma etching, Processing/Fabrication, Wet etching Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensorsUNINOVA offers the access to the entire value chain related to the design, simulation, fabricat...
Access Provider / Facilities
Custom glassware facility
Showroom HMU Dielectric deposition, Dry etching, Metal deposition, Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Optical lithography, Others, Physical/Structural, Plasma etching, Processing/Fabrication, Wet etching Component Neuromorphic computing, Energy autonomy, Green electronics and substrates, Power, Sustain, ThinkCustom borosilicate glassware production facility (pieces up to 30cm length)....
Access Provider / Facilities
PMU design (Power Management Unit)
Showroom Tyndall Devices / Test structures, Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Modelling / Database, Optical, Others, Physical/Structural Energy autonomy, Green electronics and substrates, Hybrid SiP/SoC, PMU design, Power, Power electronics, SustainDiscrete and Silicon power management circuit for energy harvesting and micro-power management....
Access Provider / Facilities
Site-controlled quantum dots
Showroom Tyndall Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Others Component Neuromorphic computing, Photonic sensing, Quantum and spin devices engineering, Sense, ThinkMOVPE grow site-controlled quantum dots...
Access Provider / Facilities