A survey for SMEs

🔴 Are you a SME, or do you know a SME involved in the sustainable development of next-generation or future semiconductor chips? We prepared a small survey to present you INFRACHIP and find out more about your needs. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5W4hbcOnWhDAZg_-fI74m-WzpIhn9LzVlc7nKtdASSwLWZg/viewform?usp=sf_link INFRACHIP…

Official Press Release!

What exactly is the INFRACHIP project, and why does it matter?Discover the ambitions of this new European project on semiconductor chips in our first press release!  New EU initiative INFRACHIP to accelerate the development of emerging…

INFRACHIP Kick-Off Meeting!

The INFRACHIP project was launched at the kick-off meeting, organised at Tyndall National Institute in Cork from the 1st to the 2nd of February 2024.  This ambitious project is a European research platform for the sustainable development…