
This bench aims to measure the optical losses or gain into integrated waveguides


The measurement consist of injecting a light source (LASER) via optical fiber inside a waveguide and recovering the signal at the output of the same guide, then by comparison, deduce the losses or the gain intrinsic to the guide analysed.

A wide choice of optical fibers allows working in single mode from visible to near infrared.

The positioning of the optical fiber is carried-out via multi axis piezo micro positioners, allowing alignment on sub-micron waveguides.

A wide spectrum of sources and detectors makes it possible to cover wavelengths ranging from visible to near infrared

Technical specifications:

-3-Axis NanoMax Stage with Differential Adjusters (THorlabs) with K-cub NanoTrak :

-Manual travel: 4mm

-Piezo travel: 20µm

-Bidirectional Repeatability: 200nm

-LASER: 405, 635, 780, 980, 1310, 1550nm, Tuneable LASER (15550nm), Super continuum (LEUKOS)

-Power meter: Thermal power sensors, silicon, germanium and InGAs photodiode

-Spectrum Analyser (600 to 1700 nm)

Case study:

This equipment can be used to characterize the optical transmission into an optical waveguide

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