INFRACHIP, the European research platform for the sustainable development of next-generation and future semiconductor chips, is now running and awaiting your applications!

After a kick-off event at Tyndall in Cork, Ireland, in February, INFRACHIP is now (almost) ready to give you access at no cost to State-of-the-Art technology platforms to nurture innovation and advance your projects. Applications will open next month.

INFRACHIP is open to industries, SMEs, researchers, academicians, PhD scholars…And offers a wide range of technologies, accessible at no cost (EU funded).

The project also enables you to visit the access provider.

We are glad to provide new opportunities to enable your research and development activities in:

• Energy autonomy, Power electronics, PMU design

• Advanced sensing, Stretchable and flexible sensors, Photonic sensing

• Quantum and spin device engineering, Component for neuromorphic computing,

• RF components, RF front-end design, Short-range optical communication

• Green Electronics & Substrates, Green Sensors, Hybrid SiP/SoC

How does it work exactly? We defined three main steps for applications, to ensure simplicity and efficiency.

Apply – First, one should apply by filling out the application form on the website.

Access – This will open the discussions with the interface team, helping you to determine the best solution for your project and research and get access either remotely or physically, to do the work.

Communicate – As a last part, we hope you publish your results, thus acknowledging INFRACHIP. Beside this, we hope we can count on you to give some feedback on your experience with INFRACHIP, and tell your colleagues about it!

We invite you to check our technologies tab which will be online in the coming weeks and further complemented with additional offers!

If you have any question, please, contact us. Our interface team is here to help!

Hybrid chips for sustainability?

Hybrid ChipsHow to favour the development of emerging electronic components and systems within the IoT era? A recent publication “Hybrid chips to enable a sustainable internet of things technology: opportunities and challenges” (Rogdakis, K., Psaltakis, G., Fagas, G. et al.) discusses the current chips landscape and perspectives brought by and for hybrid chips.

In it, we can measure the importance of collaboration between different stakeholders and therefore the need for projects such as INFRACHIP and, before it, ASCENT+ or EMERGE, which thanks to EU funds can enhance research through training, free access to advanced technologies, facilitate collaboration and create research communities throughout Europe and beyond.

Read it all here

Rogdakis, K., Psaltakis, G., Fagas, G. et al. Hybrid chips to enable a sustainable internet of things technology: opportunities and challenges. Discov Mater 4, 4 (2024).


“A new technological approach is needed for the development of emerging electronic components and systems within the Internet of Things (IoT) era. New advancements and innovations are required in architectural design and hybrid systems heterogeneous integration to address the challenge of widespread IoT deployment, its power demands and sustainability. Hybrid chips are one of the emerging technologies that can help overcome the current limitations in terms of energy consumption, performance and sustainability that could shape the future of electronic systems for targeted applications.

Hybrid chips combine different materials and manufacturing technologies on the same substrate or package using advanced flexible heterogeneous integration techniques, with the focus of merging the advantages of each unit or technology toward enhanced performance and new levels of emerging functionalities. The categorization of hybrid chips spans across rigid hybrid chips that follow a multi-chiplet approach, semi-flexible chips that integrate flexible units with semi-rigid ones such as thinned silicon integrated circuits, and lastly, flexible chips in which all components are inherently flexible.

This perspective article analyzes technical challenges that arise concerning the development of sustainable materials and processing technologies, complex heterogeneous integration, as well as advanced packaging architectures, standardization, and reliability testing. The economic implications for the semiconductor technology transition to hybrid chips is presented in terms of manufacturing costs, economic feasibility, and market readiness. Key insights and future application opportunities are provided, while recent advancements in the field are summarized. This perspective article suggests that by addressing these challenges, hybrid chips have the potential to transform electronic components and systems across a wide range of industries and use case scenario. The advancement of hybrid chip technologies by enhancing the collaboration between industry and academia as well as policymakers will be a crucial part in the realization of required sustainability goals within the worldwide Chips Act initiative, while ensuring the technological progress has the right balance between improved performance and sustainability.”

Research Accelerator at HMU: May 22-24th

Research AcceleratorAre you a PhD student, or a junior researcher who completed a PhD less than two years ago? Are you eager to develop your knowledge and discover new technologies?

Then, you can apply for the Research Accelerator Programme, a three days training at the Hellenic Mediterranean University, on Advanced Ink Formulation and Printed Techniques for Emerging Flexible Electronics!

The Research Accelerator is a short training programme giving early career researchers an on-site introduction to the technology/facilities available through INFRACHIP. This training is an introduction to HMU research infrastructures.

All costs are covered by EU funds, for up to 8 applicants.

For this first INFRACHIP training at HMU, in Heraklion, on the beautiful Island of Crete (Greece), six modules are planned:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Emerging Flexible Electronics
  • Module 2: Ink Formulation for Flexible Electronics and Film Preparation
  • Module 3: Printing & Coating Techniques for Flexible Electronics
  • Module 4: Filament Formation for 3D Printing
  • Module 5: Advanced Techniques for Battery Material Fabrication and Assessment
  • Module 6: Characterization of Solution-Processed Films and Devices

To apply, you should fill an application form. You will find it on the dedicated page together with more details on the Research Accelerator: RA at HMU.

INFRACHIP at Conferences!

INFRACHIP at conferences

The project just started, but our team is not losing any time to introduce INFRACHIP and its technology offer to potential users.

Up to now, the adventure started with a first conference – the APEC Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition in California, where our colleagues from Tyndall Dr. Veda Sandeep, and Dr. Cian O Mathuna had a booth.

It was a great event and we mainly discussed the part of INFRACHIP dedicated to Power Electronic technologies as for example different energy harvesting methods, characterization tools for optical, surface and electrical measurements, integrated micromagnetics, device processing technology based on SiC or GaN, or a range of energy source for PMU Design.

Later, INFRACHIP travelled to the LOPEC Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention, with Emanuel Carlos, a colleague from UNINOVA and CENIMAT I3N. This event is held annually in Munich, Germany, gathering the international researchers specialised in printed electronics.

This conference allowed us to showcase the efforts of INFRACHIP in answering sustainability challenges, in particular through our Sustain technology pillar.

We look forward for more conferences and talks with interested parties. Thanks to such events and discussions, we can launch collaborations and improve our offerings to better tailor them to modern needs and problematics.

INFRACHIP x JOANNEUM Research: Sustainability

In a short video, Barbara Stadlober, Head of Research Group “Micro- and Nanostructuring Technologies” at JOANNEUM RESEARCH, explains why sustainability matters in the field, and tells us about the role of JOANNEUM within INFRACHIP.

Discover more about the INFRACHIP team with other videos!

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