
This platform is dedicated to the analysis and characterization, on a wide band of frequency, of electronic and microelectronic devices such as: on wafer integrated circuits (2D, 3D) and on printed circuits board (PCB) devices. Actives and passives components, solid materials and liquids are analysed and characterized.


The platform is composed of:

– A probe station (Form Factor Elite 300)

    * 300 mm Semi-automated Probe System which is able to receive 300 mm diameter wafer.

    * An E-view microscope/camera with a magnification of 120.

    * A thermal chuck to test circuits up to 300° C.

    * Micro positioners receiving high frequency probes such as “Form factor GSG Infinity I 110” probe

       for example.

    * Driving software: Nucleus.

– A dedicated vector network analyzer Keysight PNA-X N5247B with mmW N5250CX extensions:

    * in 2 ports configuration, frequency band from 10 MHz up to 110.

    * in 4 ports configuration, frequency band from 10 MHz up to 67 GHz, with True Mode Stimulus

       S93460B option, extended biasing capabilities.

– A bench with a vector network analyzer (VNA) Anritsu 37397C operating at the frequency band

  40MHz up to 67 GHz. 

– A bench with 2 low frequency VNAs: Keysight P9372A (300 KHz – 9 GHz) and Keysight P9373A (300

   KHz- 14 GHz).

– A Keysight Precision Source / Measure Unit (SMU) B2902A

– A Profilometer – KLA-TENCOR Alpha D500.


Web link: https://croma.grenoble-inp.fr/fr/plateformes/electromagnetisme

Technical specifications:

– Two ports VNA high frequency measurements from 10 MHz up to 110 GHz.

– Four ports VNA high frequency measurements from 10 MHz up to 67 GHz.

– Up to 300 mm diameter wafers can be analyzed.

– Heating system operating up to 300° C for testing devices in temperature.

Case study:

Different measurements, analysis, extractions can be performed with this setup:

– S parameters measurements and devices analysis as function of:

     * Frequency.

     * Temperature.

     * Voltage bias, current bias or static electric field.

     * Power of high frequency injected signal.

– Extraction of electrical parameters of passives and actives components models.

– Extraction of electromagnetic properties (complex permittivity and permeability) of solid materials

  and liquids.

Access Provider / Facilities