Antenna and RF Test and Characterization Suite
Showroom Tyndall Devices / Test structures, Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Physical/Structural Connect, RF components, RF front-end design, Short-range optical communicationsThis is a suite of test equipment that is suitable for characterizing RF and Microwave circuits...
Access Provider / Facilities
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Showroom UNINOVA Devices / Test structures, Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Physical/Structural Advanced sensing, Energy autonomy, Green electronics and substrates, Green sensors, Photonic sensing, Power, Power electronics, Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensors, SustainUNINOVA offers access to the entire value chain related to SEM analyses of different kinds of s...
Access Provider / Facilities
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
Showroom UNINOVA Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Physical/Structural Advanced sensing, Component Neuromorphic computing, Energy autonomy, Green electronics and substrates, Green sensors, Power, Quantum and spin devices engineering, Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensors, Sustain, ThinkAn AFM works by quasi-physically probing a surface, allowing to generate not only topography im...
Access Provider / Facilities
Flexible Microfluidics Fab (FLEXµFLU)
Showroom JOANNEUM RESEARCH Devices / Test structures, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Modelling / Database, Optical, Optical lithography, Physical/Structural, Processing/Fabrication Green sensors, Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensors, SustainFlexible Microfluidics Fab covers the whole development chain for high throughput fabrication o...
Access Provider / Facilities
Flexible Microoptics Fab (FLEXµOPT)
Showroom JOANNEUM RESEARCH Devices / Test structures, e-beam lithography, Electrical, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Modelling / Database, Optical, Physical/Structural, Printing, Processing/FabricationFLEXµOPT covers the whole development chain for 2D-2.5D freeform microoptical elements on flex...
Access Provider / Facilities
Printed Sensor Fab (PRINTSENS)
Showroom JOANNEUM RESEARCH Devices / Test structures, Dielectric deposition, Dry etching, e-beam lithography, Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical, Metal deposition, Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Optical lithography, Physical/Structural, Plasma etching, Printing, Processing/Fabrication, Wet etching Green sensors, Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensors, SustainPRINTSENS covers the whole development chain for printed sensors
- design & specification
- ...
Access Provider / Facilities
Thermoelectric materials and devices
Showroom Tyndall Devices / Test structures, Dielectric deposition, Dry etching, e-beam lithography, Electrical, Mechanical, Metal deposition, Metrology / Characterisation, Modelling / Database, Optical lithography, Physical/Structural, Plasma etching, Processing/Fabrication, Wet etching Energy autonomy, PowerMicro-thermoelectric generator for energy harvesting from waste heat and micro-thermoelectric c...
Access Provider / Facilities
Showroom Tyndall Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Physical/Structural Connect, RF components, RF front-end design, Short-range optical communicationsHyperPath is a software solution for enabling secure and reliable wireless connectivity for cha...
Access Provider / Facilities
Hybrid Chip-Integration Laboratory
Showroom WUT CEZAMAT Electrical, Mechanical, Metrology / Characterisation, Optical, Physical/Structural Hybrid SiP/SoC, SustainIn this laboratory we offer electronic assembly with the use of our Finetech Flip-Chip Pico dev...
Access Provider / Facilities
Sustainable sensor Laboratory
Showroom WUT CEZAMAT Electrical, Mechanical, Optical, Physical/Structural, Printing, Processing/Fabrication Advanced sensing, Green electronics and substrates, Green sensors, Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensors, SustainIn this laboratory we provide service of material manufacturing as well as necessary characteri...
Access Provider / Facilities