
Thermal Characterisation Test Bench CATHELINN - This test bench is dedicated to the thermal characterization of power devices based on the use of thermo-sensitive electrical parameters.


The system is based on the Phase 12B thermal analyser from Analysis Tech company (https://analysistech.com/semiconductor-thermal-tester/phase-12b-thermal-analyzer/). It also includes a furnace for the calibration of the thermo-sensitive electrical parameter, a cold plate and a cooler.

This system allows measuring:

– thermal resistance of power module,

– thermal coupling between devices,

– thermal impedance,

– structure function,

– thermal response after power pulse,

It also allows making power cycling tests by measuring the evolution of the thermal impedance under high temperature swings. In the future, another feature will be available: we will add the power cycler from this company (https://analysistech.com/semiconductor-thermal-tester/phase-12-power-cycler/). The latter will allow measuring simultaneously the aging of 8 power devices.

Technical specifications:

Heating current: 20-100 A,

Measurement current: 50 mA max,

8 measurement channels.

Case study:

Different studies can be done with this setup:

– analysis of defects in power modules, for example die attach, 

– validate thermal models of power modules, estimate thermal coupling inside the system,

– estimation of thermal contact resistances,

– characterize efficiency of new cooling systems.

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