
A fluorescence microscope from Zeiss to characterize fluorescent markers is at hand as well as a polarization microscope from Olympus. Temperature dependent measurements can be realized using a Linkam stage.


The fluorescence device is a state-of-the-art microscope from Zeiss. Besides standard microscope modes, one main use is characterization of fluorescent markers or spots in microfluidic chips. The microscope has an automated xyz-stage to obtain large area images or images with varying focus planes. Additionally standard white light microscopic tasks such as brightfield and darkfield imaging are possible. The polarization microscope work in transmission or reflection mode. State of the are filters and magnifications are at hand. Temperature dependent measurements can be provide by a standard Linkam Stage. 

Technical specifications:


– Colibri 7 LED light source for fluorescence excitation 

– White light LED 

– Imaging of fluorescent samples 

– Automated xyz-stage 

– Fully automated objective carousel (5x, 10x, 20x and 50x magnification) 

– Brightfield/ Darkfield imaging 

– Continuous imaging 

– Large area characterization 

– Z-axis plot for basic 2.5D characterization 

– Option for surface characterization 


Additional information: https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/de/produkte/lichtmikroskope/weitfeldmikroskope/axio-imager-2-fuer-die-biowissenschaftliche-forschung.html#downloads 


Topography measurement, including high aspect ratio nano/microstructures.

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