Tag Archive for: simulation
Battery Energy Storage
Showroom Tyndall Devices / Test structures, Dielectric deposition, Dry etching, e-beam lithography, Electrical, Magnetic, Mechanical, Metal deposition, Metrology / Characterisation, Modelling / Database, Optical, Optical lithography, Physical/Structural, Plasma etching, Processing/Fabrication, Wet etching Advanced sensing, Energy autonomy, Green electronics and substrates, Green sensors, Hybrid SiP/SoC, Photonic sensing, PMU design, Power, Power electronics, Sense, Stretchable and flexible sensors, SustainSimulation and processing of battery energy storage materials and architectures for integration...
Access Provider / Facilities
Energy harvesters analysis
Showroom WUT CEZAMAT Electrical, Metrology / Characterisation, Modelling / Database, Optical, Physical/Structural Energy autonomy, PowerAnalysis of the Energy Harvesters (EH) from theoretical, numerical and experimental standpoint....
Access Provider / Facilities