
Three (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopes are available at INL, with a wide range of capabilities for imaging, crystallographic analysis, and elemental mapping.


The three (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopes [(S)TEM] offer access to a range of techniques. The JEOL2100 is optimized for TEM imaging of large areas, fitted with a fast-readout “OneView” 4k x 4k CCD camera that operates at 25 fps (300 fps with 512 x 512 pixels), as well as high-resolution imaging and crystallographic analysis. The Titan ChemiSTEM is a probe-corrected (S)TEM optimized for elemental analysis at low-to-high resolutions, fitted with four energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy detectors and an electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) system. The microscope also carries out atomic-resolution imaging, with contrast from the atomic weight of the elements, in high-angle annular dark field. The Titan ChemiSTEM is also optimized for electron tomography for 3-dimensional reconstruction of materials. Finally, the Titan Themis is a double-corrected (S)TEM for high-resolution imaging and elemental analysis with sub-angstrom resolution in TEM and STEM, and a monochromator for chemical analysis.

Technical specifications:

Double Corrected TEM/STEM Titan Themis:

  • Voltage: 60–300 kV (X-FEG)
  • Monochromator
  • Corrected TEM Imaging (Resolution 63 pm)
  • Corrected STEM Imaging (Resolution 63 pm)
  • Diffraction (Crystallographic analysis)
  • EDX – Super X (Chemical analysis)
  • Dual EELS (Energy resolution 190 meV)
  • Electron Holography
  • Lorentz microscopy
  • In-situ sample holder (heating/biasing)
  • Differential Phase contrast (DPC) imaging

Probe-corrected STEM Titan ChemiSTEM:

  • Voltage: 80 – 200 kV (X-FEG)
  • TEM Imaging
  • Corrected STEM Imaging (Resolution 80 pm)
  • Diffraction (Crystallographic analysis)
  • EDX – Super X (Chemical analysis)
  • EELS (Energy resolution 1 eV)
  • TEM/STEM Tomography (3D Reconstruction)


  • Voltage: 80 – 200 kV (LaB6)
  • TEM Imaging (Point Resolution <230 pm)
  • STEM Imaging
  • Diffraction (Crystallographic analysis)
  • Cryo (Biological samples/Soft matter)
  • Tomography (3D reconstruction)
  • EDXS (Chemical analysis)

Case study:

A user needs to carry out elemental and crystallographic analysis on lamella samples (less than 100 nm in thickness) prepared from devices (or materials/components). The typical applications of these techniques are for analysis of critical dimensions, defects, and failures in devices or materials, down to sub-nm scale.



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