Physico-chemical Characterisation
The Physico-chemical Characterisation - IMPACT platform integrates several physico-chemical characterization modules (XPS, Ellipsometry , Raman–PL) all connected virtually together via specific vacuum transfer systems (quasi-insitu concept), and compatible with small samples and wafers up to 300mm.
Thanks to its very versatile loading capacities (small samples and wafers up to 300mm, Glove box available), associated to the advanced specifications of the characterization chambers, a very wide range of academics or industrials upfront studies are possible.
The modules of the characterization platform include 3 vacuum characterization chambers, each equipped with their vacuum quasi-insitu transfer systems.
They were built from academic suppliers’ systems which have been customised.
Their key features are :
– pARXPS chamber (parallel angular XPS, without any sample tilt).
– Broadband spectroscopic ellipsometry chamber: MIR 12µm (0.1 eV) to VUV 145 nm (8.55 eV),
equipped with an IR polarimeter, and a heating chuck (450°).
– Combined Raman – Photoluminescence chamber (3 lasers: 355nm / 532nm / 1064 nm).
Technical specifications:
Here are the key specifications of the characterisation chambers, each one compatible with small samples and wafers up to 300mm :
XPS (Thermo Fisher) :
pAR-XPS (parallel angle resolved XPS)
Angles from 20° to 80° without sample tilt
Spot size 20 to 400µm
Ion beam Ar etching for abrasion
Ellipsometry (Horiba Jobin Yvon) :
IR to V-UV : 12 µm (0,1 eV) to 145 nm (8,55 eV)
IR polarimetry
Azimutal rotation
Sample heating (up to 450°C)
Raman / Photolum (Horiba Jobin Yvon) :
Based on Labram HR (best in class Raman system)
IR to UV (3 lasers : 355nm / 532nm / 1064 nm)
Confocal measurements (depth resolution)
Spatial resolution < 3µm
Resende, J., Fuard, D., Le Cunff, D., Tortai, J.-H., Pelissier, B.
Hybridization of ellipsometry and energy loss spectra from XPS for bandgap and optical constants determination in SiON thin films
(2021) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 259, art. no. 124000, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.124000
Pelissier, B., Labau, S., Martin, M., Petit-Etienne, C., Fontaine, H., Baron, T., Joubert, O.
Study of physisorption phenomena of chemical species on 300 mm Si wafers during controlled mini-environment transfers between microelectronic equipments
(2020) Microelectronic Engineering, 231, art. no. 111401, .
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2020.111401
Vallat, R., Gassilloud, R., Salicio, O., El Hajjam, K., Molas, G., Pelissier, B., Vallée, C.
Area selective deposition of TiO 2 by intercalation of plasma etching cycles in PEALD process: A bottom up approach for the simplification of 3D integration scheme
(2019) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 37 (2), art. no. 020918, .
DOI: 10.1116/1.5049361