Research Accelerator

The Research Accelerator is a short training programme giving early career researchers an on-site introduction to the technology/facilities available through INFRACHIP. For each RA, 6 to 8 participants will be invited.  

INFRACHIP will sponsor PhD students and early-career postdoctoral researchers to attend advanced nanoelectronics technology training courses. This will give them a clear insight into nanofabrication and outline how they can benefit from the INFRACHIP technologies to accelerate their own research. 

An expected outcome of the programme is that sponsored researchers will apply for access at any of the facilities to enhance their studies.

  • Between 2 to 3 days of training at one of the access providers.
  • Discovery of the facilities through visits, lectures on a given topic, discussions with the local experts
  • INFRACHIP will provide financial support towards your travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses
  • PhDs & Early-career researchers (two years maximum passed since you obtained your PhD)
  • You must not be based in the country of the access provider (INL is an exception to this rule)
    Example: a Swedish applicant who is a PhD student in Poland is not allowed to apply to a Research accelerator at CEZAMAT in Poland, but they can apply to one at CHALMERS in Sweden.
  • If you are a PhD student or early career researcher from one of the INFRACHIP access provider, you may not access the RA but have other access means. Please contact us, providing details about your research!
  • Participants who already attended a RA can’t apply again to another RA, but they are welcome to apply to the INFRACHIP programme 🙂

When a Research Accelerator is planned, we will publish it together with the application form on this page. 

If you wish to participate, you will simply have to fill in the application form (identity, motivation, and a CV will be required), then an INFRACHIP panel composed of local staff will make a selection.

Small tip: Don’t tell yourself you have no chance to be selected, if the theme of the RA is important for your research or work and you are motivated, you should apply.

Upcoming Research Accelerators:

Flexible oxide TFT electronics: from design to circuit fabrication and characterization

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UNINOVA, Almada, Portugal

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4-6 September 2024

UV nanoimprinting of microfluidics, microoptics and bionic flexible devices in batch or roll-to-roll

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16-17 September 2024

Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging

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CROMA, Le Bourget du Lac, France

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19-21 November 2024


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AMO Gmbh, Aachen, Germany

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January 2025

Integrated Power and Energy Systems

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Tyndall, Cork, Ireland

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February 2025

“UV nanoimprinting of microfluidics, microoptics and bionic flexible devices in batch or roll-to-roll” 

16-17 September 2024 – JOANNEUM RESEARCH – MATERIALS, Weiz, Austria

Applications closed on August 1st at 2pm CEST

UV nanoimprinting is a versatile tool to fabricate components for numerous application. In this Research Accelerator Programme, the participants will get an on-site introduction to various steps involved in the fabrication of surface structures, microoptic or microfluidic devices on small and large scale production.

This RAP relates to the following topics offered in INFRACHIP:

INFRACHIP will provide financial support towards travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses for up to 6 applicants. Preference is given to PhD students and junior researchers with a PhD completed in the last 2 years.


  • Hands-on training material optimization and characterization
    • Resin adjustment
    • Substrate surface manipulation
    • Film fabrication and characterization by AFM and Ellipsometry
  • Hands-on training on UV-imprinting
    • Fabrication of stamp and UV-imprinting
    • Demonstration of Step-and-Repeat
    • Demonstration of Roll-to-Roll upscale production

“Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging” 

19-21 November 2024 – CNRS-FMNT: CROMA, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France

(updated) Applications close on September 25 at 2pm CEST

This RAP will present the basics of spectroscopy and imaging in the Terahertz (THz) range and give the opportunity to discover the characterization systems available at CROMA Lab. (CNRS-FMNT) on the Terahertz platform (

INFRACHIP will support costs for travel, accommodation and access to infrastructure for up to 8 applicants. Applicants should be PhD students and junior researchers with a PhD completed in the last 2 years.


  • THz basics
  • Time Domain Spectroscopy
  • THz Imaging


December 2024 – INL, Braga, Portugal

More information coming soon


January 2025 – AMO GmbH, Aachen, Germany

More information coming soon!

“Integrated Power and Energy Systems” 

February 2025 – Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland

More information coming soon!

There are currently no events.

Past/Ongoing Research Accelerators:

“Flexible oxide TFT electronics: from design to circuit fabrication and characterization”

September 4-6th 2024 – UNINOVA, Almada, Portugal

Applications closed on June 26th
This RAP will provide an on-site introduction to the state-of-the-art technology/facilities available at UNINOVA related to flexible oxide thin-film transistors (TFTs). Participants will have contact with the multiple steps required to take oxide TFTs from device level design up to circuit integration, as described here:

Costs for travel, accommodation and access to infrastructure are covered by INFRACHIP project for up to 8 applicants. Preference is given to PhD students and junior researchers with a PhD completed in the last 2 years.


“Advanced Ink Formulation and Printed Techniques for Emerging Flexible Electronics.” 

May 22nd-24th 2024 – Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

  • Module 1: Introduction to Emerging Flexible Electronics
  • Module 2: Ink Formulation for Flexible Electronics and Film Preparation
  • Module 3: Printing & Coating Techniques for Flexible Electronics
  • Module 4: Filament Formation for 3D Printing
  • Module 5: Advanced Techniques for Battery Material Fabrication and Assessment
  • Module 6: Characterization of Solution-Processed Films and Devices