Entries by milena.bocle

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3D – confocal laser microscope

The 3D laser scanning microscope of the VK-X1050 model series uses two different measurement principles combined in one device; depending on the application, a confocal laser and focus variation can be used. This enables high-precision topographical measurements and analysis of various measurement objects with nanometer resolution.

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Jupiter AFM

Oxford instruments/Jupiter XR – Atomic Force Microscope is a large-sample machine that offers high-speed imaging with additional characterization tools including KPFM, conductive AFM, SCM, EFM, PFM, MFM and force mapping as well as various sample environments.

Research Accelerator Programme at HMU!

Are you a PhD student, or a junior researcher who completed a PhD less than two years ago? Then, you can apply for the Research Accelerator Programme, a three days training at the Hellenic Mediterranean University, on Advanced Ink Formulation and Printed Techniques for Emerging Flexible Electronics! This training is an introduction to HMU research […]

A survey for SMEs

🔴 Are you a SME, or do you know a SME involved in the sustainable development of next-generation or future semiconductor chips? We prepared a small survey to present you INFRACHIP and find out more about your needs. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5W4hbcOnWhDAZg_-fI74m-WzpIhn9LzVlc7nKtdASSwLWZg/viewform?usp=sf_link INFRACHIP provides a free access to several cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure in this field, you can […]