Entries by devinf20

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Hyperfrequency Characterisation Platform

This platform is dedicated to the analysis and characterization, on a wide band of frequency, of electronic and microelectronic devices such as: on wafer integrated circuits (2D, 3D) and on printed circuits board (PCB) devices. Actives and passives components, solid materials and liquids are analysed and characterized.

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Test & Characterization Platform

Test and Characterisation Platform – Electrical, optical and physical characterization of materials and devices at multi-levels, supported by physics-based modelling

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Quantum superconducting circuits

We offer a complete processing platform for fabrication of both low-Tc and high-Tc superconducting circuits for quantum technology applications. This includes growth of thin films by sputtering and electron beam evaporation, high-resolution electron beam lithography, plasma and reactive ion-beam dry etching, and advanced characterization of materials and devices.

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Complex oxide electronics

We offer a complete platform for fabrication of complex perovskite-based oxide devices, including growth of thin films by pulsed laser deposition or sputtering, patterning using electron-beam lithography or direct laser writing, as well as ion beam etching using hard carbon masks. Wide range of materials is available for various applications, including ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, multiferroic and other functional Perovskite oxide materials.

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Cleanroom Characterization

Myfab Chalmers offers a range of characterization tools for fabricated devices. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Atomic Force microscope (AFM), Spectroscopic Ellipsometer, Raman microscope, Optical microscope, Optical and stylus profilometer, White Light reflectometer.